国际米兰为迪巴拉提供税后500万欧年薪外加奖金 并希望迪巴拉团队降低高佣金要求


概述:意媒消息(La Gazzetta dello Sport ),国米为迪巴拉发出报价,税后500万欧+奖金,其中一个奖金条款,如果赛季参加比赛达到50%以上,则可以拿到100万欧奖金。此外,国米希望迪巴拉团队降低对签字费、佣金的要价,实在太高了。


Inter have formulated their contract proposal to Paulo Dybala, but it is significantly less than he would’ve earned at Juventus, with bonuses to protect the club in case of injuries.

The Argentina international is a free agent, as Juve had originally agreed a €10m per season deal before withdrawing the offer.

He was linked with numerous clubs, but has not found the queue of big clubs he was expecting for his signature.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, Inter have now formulated their proposal and it is for a basic €5m per season salary, plus an extra €1m if he plays at least 50 per cent of their games that term.

This is essentially a pay as you play contract, giving the club protection in case Dybala’s injury problems flare up again.

The 28-year-old managed only 29 Serie A appearances for Juventus this term, plus 10 in all other competition, with just five in the Champions League.

He nonetheless scored 15 goals and provided six assists.

Inter have also asked agent Jorge Antun to lower his commission demands for the free agent, and as a result are currently talking directly only to intermediary Fabrizio De Vecchi rather than to Antun himself.

The salary would also have other performance-related bonuses, but the basic sum of €5m is certainly a lot less than the €7m plus bonuses he was asking for.

Another note is the presence of a release clause in Dybala’s contract for a future sale.

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文章名称:国际米兰为迪巴拉提供税后500万欧年薪外加奖金 并希望迪巴拉团队降低高佣金要求


