意媒:国际米兰将与耐克续约 赞助费提升至3000万欧/赛季 此前仅为1200万欧



Inter Seeking New Deal With Nike Worth €30M/Season Up From Current €12M/Season, Italian Media Report

Inter are in talks with Nike for a new sponsorship deal with Nike, and are hoping for a deal worth around €30 million per season, up from the current deal worth €12 million net per season plus add-ons.

This according to today’s print edition of Rome-based newspaper La Repubblica, who report that the Nerazzurri are aiming for a significantly improved deal in the negotiations with the US company, and that the value of their brand has increased by 30% in the 2022 Brand Finance Football report.

The value of Inter’s brand has increased by 30% to €495 in the 2022 Brand Financa Football report, partly reflecting successes on the pitch and increased commercial appeal, and also reflecting the 14% increase in the value of sponsorships.

Partnerships with cryptocurrency company DigitalBits and crypto fan token company Socios.com, the main shirt sponsor during the season just gone, have seen the Nerazzurri’s sponsorship increase.

The club are aiming for a further increase in the form of a new deal with Nike, whose deal with the Nerazzurri is currently worth €12 million per season plus add-ons.

Inter are in negotiations with the US company, and are hoping for an increase to €30 million per season.

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文章名称:意媒:国际米兰将与耐克续约 赞助费提升至3000万欧/赛季 此前仅为1200万欧


